Welcome to cogno.forum, a fully on-chain social media platform. There is no central database, advertisements, censorship, or algorithm. The content of the forum is sourced directly from the Cardano blockchain and is created by you, the user. Refer to the FAQ below if you have any questions. This application relies heavily on open-source technology. It is not built for speed or appearance but for decentralization and open access. Users are responsible for the content they create and share. Please follow community guidelines and maintain a respectful environment. Be aware that, due to the lack of censorship, you may encounter inappropriate content. If you need support, please open a support ticket on GitHub or email [email protected].
Created by Logical Mechanism LLC
What is cogno.forum?
How do I use cogno.forum?
Why does it cost money to use cogno.forum?
Do I get my Lovelace back when I post comments?
How do I view the application?
Is everything on cogno.forum public?
Is the project open-sourced?
Do you make money from cogno.forum?
How can I make suggestions?
How do I report illegal content?
How can I blame cogno.forum for something?
How is content moderated on cogno.forum?
What are the community guidelines for cogno.forum?
Are there any planned future features for cogno.forum?
Why did my comment or thread deletion not hit the chain?
How should I track my transaction?
How can I donate to this project?